Michigan Legacy Credit Union Partners with Wayne State University Institute of Gerontology to fight financial exploitation of vulnerable adults

Pilot program will use Wayne State’s Financial Vulnerability Survey and be shared throughout Michigan’s credit union community at upcoming events

Media Contact: Barbara Fornasiero; EAFocus Communications; barbara@eafocus.com; 248.260.8466; Cheryl Deep, WSU Institute of Gerontology; cheryldeep@wayne.edu; 248.225.9474

Wyandotte, Mich. — April 25, 2022 — Michigan Legacy Credit Union (MLCU), with branches in Wyandotte, Warren, Pontiac, Highland and Flat Rock and 24-hour online banking services, is pleased to announce it has launched a pilot program with Wayne State University’s Institute of Gerontology to help protect its vulnerable members from financial exploitation. The announcement was made by Michigan Legacy Credit Union President and CEO Carma Peters.

In September of 2021, Michigan enacted the Financial Exploitation Prevention Act, requiring financial institutions to offer training and procedures to recognize financial exploitation and protect vulnerable clients from becoming victims.  After learning of Wayne State’s Financial Vulnerability Survey, a short questionnaire to determine the risk of financial exploitation, Peters saw an immediate opportunity to take action on behalf of MLCU members.

“Older adult financial exploitation is at epidemic heights,” Peters said. “Sadly, these crimes are often swept under the rug because victims are too ashamed to report them.  We never want to see a credit union member financially manipulated and victimized, and this pilot program provides resources to truly empower our staff and our members.”

New members of the credit union age 50 and up are automatically offered the Financial Vulnerability Survey – and dozens have taken it thus far.  Their scores are included in a database to help monitor these members’ accounts for abnormal financial activity. All MLCU credit union staff participated in multiple training sessions with Wayne State on the survey and learned how to identify and discuss cognitive risk factors before exploitation occurs. As a result of this training, staff members have already been able to address several cases of older financial exploitation.

The Financial Vulnerability Survey is one of several tools created by Peter Lichtenberg, PhD, ABPP, to combat fraud and financial exploitation in older adults. Lichtenberg is the director of the Institute of Gerontology. For nearly two decades, he has done extensive research to develop and validate a variety of financial decision-making and vulnerability tools. The Financial Vulnerability Survey (FVS), a self-administered tool for older adults, is the most recent. The 17-question survey identifies older adults at increased risk of financial fraud and exploitation and suggests resources to help protect them.

“The FVS is easy to understand and to complete,” Dr. Lichtenberg said. “It resonates with older people who are concerned about their financial decision making. Finances are often a taboo topic for discussion, yet people are hungry for information about their own financial vulnerability level.”  The FVS and other tools to assess financial decision making, plus resources for professionals, caregivers and older adults can be found at Lichtenberg’s website OlderAdultNestEgg.com.

Persons at risk or who have already been financially victimized are referred to the Institute of Gerontology’s SAFE program for help.  SAFE (Successful Aging thru Financial Empowerment) offers counseling at no cost to help repair the damage of financial scams. Among other things, SAFE helps to recover funds, file police reports, and freeze credit reports as well as deepen client’s financial literacy.

“Through this pilot program with Wayne State, we can now point members to olderadultnestegg.com for valuable training and resources,” Peters said. “Studies show older adults who read the information are more likely to identify signs of financial exploitation before it happens.”

Expanding credit union education on financial exploitation

Peters and Lichtenberg will discuss the pilot project and financial exploitation protections with other credit unions at Audit Link’s Conversations on Compliance May 25 in Grand Rapids, Michigan and on June 10 at the Michigan Credit Union’s Annual Convention and Expo at the Renaissance Center in Detroit. Michigan Legacy Credit Union also created a campaign during April’s Financial Literacy Month to encourage existing members and owners to take the FVS and have their scores uploaded to the credit union’s database.

“Ideally, this pilot program will be utilized throughout the state of Michigan, and nationally, to help combat this epidemic and provide another tool to protect older adults from financial fraud,” Peters said.

Anonymous data from the project will be analyzed by Lichtenberg and his team to expand research insights into vulnerability and safeguards for older adults.

About Michigan Legacy Credit Union

Michigan Legacy Credit Union (MLCU) is a member-owned, not-for-profit financial cooperative serving members who live, work, worship, attend school, or own a business in the state of Michigan. Michigan Legacy Credit Union is committed to providing quality financial services at a competitive price, delivered professionally and efficiently while keeping member/owners and their needs first. For additional information on MLCU, visit: www.michiganlegacycu.org.


Credit Union CEO explains how online bill pay systems can thwart fraud, maximize convenience

Media Contact: Barbara Fornasiero; EAFocus Communications; barbara@eafocus.com; 248.260.8466

Wyandotte, Mich. — June 9, 2022 — Michigan Legacy Credit Union (MLCU), with branches in Wyandotte, Warren, Pontiac, Highland and Flat Rock, and a complete menu of 24-hour online banking services, urges consumers to consider using online bill pay services through their financial institution for reasons that range from security to building a good credit score. First and foremost, according to Michigan Legacy Credit Union President and CEO Carma Peters, online bill paying can be a strong deterrent against cybertheft.

“Consumers who pay bills online by going directly to the merchant or service provider website are creating unnecessary vulnerabilities for their financial information because they create multiple accounts and repeatedly provide private information so enticing to cyber criminals,” Peters said. “With online bill pay services through a financial institution, there is only one account, and the consumer can pay almost all their bills through that account.”

Systems like Michigan Legacy’s online billing payment app, Bill Pay, allow users to pay bills safely through its secure portal, from a credit card bill and mortgage payment to a utility, child care services or a doctor bill. Because bills can be paid anytime or scheduled for payment, the option means no missed bills that can ding one’s credit score or temporarily cut off access to important services. This can be especially important for senior citizens who pay their bills by check and are unable to keep up with them should they be hospitalized or in a rehab facility.

Peters adds that the overwhelming majority of fraud occurs at the merchant’s site. That’s why financial institutions like MLCU reserve the right to shut off credit or debit card payments to retailers who are experiencing a high degree of online theft or fraud. Ultimately, it’s the financial institution that pays the price of the fraudulent activity, while consumers risk identity theft and its accompanying hassles.

MLCU has offered online bill pay services for about 15 years, but use of its Bill Pay system has grown significantly in recent years due to the convenience, the pandemic and now – high gas prices. More than 4,000 members utilize Bill Pay services; in May 2022, members completed 4,496 payments through it, totaling $1,547,125. The service has an added attraction to younger members because Bill Pay also allows person-to-person payments without the risks that can accompany competing services such as Zelle or Venmo.

“As a cooperative financial institution, we are committed to the safest banking options for our members,” Peters said. “Offering comprehensive online services that enable our members to limit their personal and financial information exposure outside of our credit union means a better experience for all.”

About Michigan Legacy Credit Union

Michigan Legacy Credit Union (MLCU) is a member-owned, not-for-profit financial cooperative serving members who live, work, worship, attend school, or own a business in the state of Michigan. Michigan Legacy Credit Union is committed to providing quality financial services at a competitive price, delivered professionally and efficiently while keeping member/owners and their needs first. For additional information on MLCU, visit: www.michiganlegacycu.org.


75th Annual Meeting

Welcome to your 2022 Annual Meeting and Election of Michigan Legacy Credit Union. It’s time to celebrate 75 years of locally owned and continued growth. While we take a moment to celebrate the past, our vision is firmly fixed on the future.

Michigan Legacy Credit Union opens new prototype branch in Flat Rock

Michigan Legacy - Flat Rock BranchMedia Contact: Barbara Fornasiero; EAFocus Communications; barbara@eafocus.com; 248.260.8466

Wyandotte, Mich. — February 28, 2022 — Michigan Legacy Credit Union (MLCU), with five physical locations in Wyandotte, Warren, Flat Rock, Pontiac, and Highland and 24-7 online accessibility, opened its newly constructed Flat Rock branch, located at 22895 Gibraltar Road, on February 28. Carma Peters, President and CEO of Michigan Legacy Credit Union, announced the opening and the impetus behind their new branching strategy.

“In tracking the changes of member behavior, we have created smaller retail branches with new technology, including video teller services, to make the credit union successful for years to come,” Peters said. “As our member/owners use various digital devices to conduct business, Michigan Legacy is pleased to present our technology-driven options in a flexible environment that also offers traditional service through an ATM and drive-thru.”

Administrative services previously located in each branch have been centralized to MLCU locations in Warren and Wyandotte, which are larger buildings and designed for additional administration purposes.

“These important advances will also allow the credit union to downsize by 28,000 square feet, netting significant operational cost savings,” Peters said.  “This is our third new prototype branch, which is a fun and funky design modeled after a 50’s-style diner but equipped with secure online technology and a layout that allows for social distancing to keep our members and staff safe.”

The new branch is located directly west of the current Flat Rock branch, which is for sale. With vibrant colors and signage, the building is hard to miss driving down Gibraltar Road. It was designed and constructed by Anchorville, Michigan-based Thompson-Phelan Group, which also designed Michigan Legacy’s other two prototype branches in Warren and Wyandotte, with Wyandotte now serving as MLCU’s headquarters.

The Flat Rock branch will be open Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 9 a.m. – 5p.m., Wednesdays from 10:30 a.m. – 5 p.m., and on Saturdays (drive-thru only) from 9 a.m. – 1p.m.

About Michigan Legacy Credit Union

Michigan Legacy Credit Union (MLCU) is a member-owned, not-for-profit financial cooperative serving members who live, work, worship, attend school, or own a business in the state of Michigan. Michigan Legacy Credit Union is committed to providing quality financial services at a competitive price, delivered professionally and efficiently while keeping member/owners and their needs first. For additional information on MLCU, visit: www.michiganlegacycu.org.

Michigan Legacy Credit Union donates $50,000 to Turning Point in support of the non-profit’s domestic violence prevention and survivor programming

Turning Point LogoMichigan Legacy LogoDonation is largest ever made by Michigan Legacy

Media Contact: Barbara M. Fornasiero; EAFocus Communications; barbara@eafocus.com; 248.260.8466

Wyandotte, Mich.  – February 9, 2022 –Wyandotte-based Michigan Legacy Credit Union (MLCU), with additional branches in Warren, Pontiac, Highland and Flat Rock and 24 hour-online banking services, is pleased to announce it has made a $50,000 donation to Mt. Clemens-based Turning Point, an agency whose mission is to empower domestic and sexual violence survivors through comprehensive services and resources. The donation, which was given to Turning Point by Michigan Legacy President and CEO Carma Peters on February 9, is the largest ever made by Michigan Legacy.

“For more than 40 years, Turning Point has been providing services in Macomb County that are critical to the health and well-being of its most vulnerable residents,” Peters said. “We are pleased to make this donation in support of their efforts to reach even more individuals and families in need, while also using their community education and outreach to raise awareness and prevent domestic violence and sexual abuse from happening in the first place.”

Turning Point is Macomb County’s only comprehensive domestic violence and sexual assault services provider. Programs include a shelter that provides emergency housing for over 300 survivors and their children each year, medical forensic and advocacy services for sexual assault survivors, a 24-hour hotline, trauma advocacy/counseling for survivors and their loved ones, outreach to middle and high schools on domestic/sexual violence prevention, Personal Protection Order assistance, legal advocacy, and two newer housing programs. The Turning Point Transitional Housing Program is available for up to two years at no cost to survivors and their children, and the Rapid Re-Housing Program provides rental assistance for up to 12 months. To date, 30 privately-owned housing units between the two programs have been made available throughout Macomb County. Some are traditional homes; others are in apartments or condominiums.

Turning Point President and CEO Dr. Sharman Davenport, Ph.D., thanked MLCU for its support.

“This $50,000 donation will have an immediate positive impact on the work we do,” said Davenport. “On behalf of Turning Point, our Board of Directors, and especially those we serve, I gratefully thank and acknowledge Michigan Legacy for this donation and look forward to continuing to build this partnership.”

With a community-focused mission and a dedicated philanthropy-directed fund, Michigan Legacy is pleased to support initiatives that strengthen the communities where its members live and work. The Turning Point donation was preceded by several MLCU notable donations in 2021, including $10,000 to the Downriver Community Food Pantry, $15,000 to the Wyandotte Rotary Club, and $20,000 to Crime Stoppers of Michigan.

About Turning Point 

Turning Point provides comprehensive, free, and confidential programs for domestic violence and sexual assault survivors, their loved ones, and the community. Services include a 24-hour hotline, emergency shelter, housing, trauma advocacy/counseling, personal protection order assistance, legal advocacy, forensic nurse exams, first response advocacy, prevention, and community education. Second Hand Rose, another Turning Point service, provides survivors with gently used items while providing an opportunity for the community to donate and shop. Serving Metro Detroit for 41 years, Turning Point has helped over 100,000 survivors. Visit www.turningpointmacomb.org for more information.

About Michigan Legacy Credit Union

Michigan Legacy Credit Union (MLCU) is a member-owned, not-for-profit financial cooperative serving members who live, work, worship, attend school, or own a business in the state of Michigan. Michigan Legacy Credit Union is committed to providing quality financial services at a competitive price, delivered professionally and efficiently while keeping member/owners and their needs first. For additional information on MLCU, visit: www.michiganlegacycu.org.